Yep, yet another DNF at the Mt Tam 30K, and one of those days when I want a do-over in general.
Stung by Yellow Jackets (#1)
Start up from Stinson Beach on Dipsea trail, and feel a sharp pain on my left shin. I look down and a yellow jacket is still briskly stinging me. I brush it away, only to see another one stinging me further up. OWEEE….I walk though the pain up to Cardiac Hill, where Karen & Christy pour me some delicious Pepsi (no Coke).
Twist ankle (#2)
I'm loving the beautiful descent down Ben Johnson Trail (one of my favorite trails). Somehow, on the very easy stretch of Fern Creek Trail that I've run many times before, I hurt my ankle. I try to walk it off on the climb up Lost Trail to Panoramic Highway, but after my initial burst of endorphins, I feel worse and worse to where I can barely hobble. I decide I can't do 9 more miles and I should take the bus from Mtn Home Inn down to Stinson Beach.
I'm Single! (#3)
Mountain Home Inn's patio is actually a fine place to hang out and wait two hours for the next West Marin Stagecoach. I read "Tamalpais Walking", a gorgeous book with prints by Tom Killion and stories by Gary Snyder (a friend of Jack Kerouac, before he was "Jack Kerouac"). A couple is checking out the Inn as a possible venue for their wedding. Did I mention my exboyfriend is not only dating, but went on a date with a porn star? However, the bus is only $2 and gets me back to Stinson Beach.
Glasses break (#4)
When I'm home, taking my glasses off to shower, the temple breaks on my glasses. Not only am I very blind without my glasses, my ankle is so bad I can't walk to the optician's two blocks away my glasses to get fixed.
Ok, so the day was very double plus ungood.
In the plus column
- cheered on or hung out with Endurables like Ken, Karen (honorary Endurable), Susan, Rosie, Simon, James, Margaret, & Claude
- beautiful day where I could see the Farallons and briefly ran with Eldrith Grosney, a true inspiration
- even though I DNF'd, still had a post-race steak meal with friends