Thursday, August 29, 2013

Tampala Headlands 50K

Tampala Headlands 50K

I'd been vaguely aware of the Headlands 50K -- it had re-booted in 2011 after not being run in 2009 or 2010. White River 50 was my big focus race, and I didn't want to plan anything until after I finished it. Then, when I looked at entering in early August, the race was already sold out with ~80 people on the wait list. 

In August, I went to Chile and hiked and biked - everything BUT running. When I got back, I traveled to Seattle for work. I was ready to run! Two good 5 mile runs, and I signed up for the wait list. On Wednesday I was in!

Thursday I flew back from Seattle and slept well. Friday was my good friend John's birthday. I ended up out at North Beach til almost 2 AM. My alarm was set for 6 AM. No problem!

Start to Rodeo Beach. The first mile was flat on Redwood Creek, at a comfy, not too fast, not too slow pace. At the climb out of Muir Beach to Pirates Cove, Running Rose caught up with me. We hiked up the hill together, as I fell to basically DFL. 

At the Coastal down hill I passed a few people, and then a few more on the Coastal uphill. Hill 88 I ran down quickly. 

Miwok water station to Tennessee Valley. Hiked the climb, then coasted down Old Springs, feeling good.

Tennessee Valley to Highway One. Walked Miwok hill, then ran Cutoff. Good pace down sun-cups.

Highway One to Caridac. Feeling really good, then stung by wasp(?) on right calf. Brushed stinging thing away, didn't get good look. OWWWEEE. Felt sorry for self. Ran out of water on walk up Dipsea to Cardiac

Cardiac to Stinson Beach. Leg hurt from sting. Wanted to rock Matt Davis but instead trudged down. Wished I'd run this trail more recently - I think I could have picked up 20 minutes if I'd been more assertive.

Stinson Beach to Cardiac. Long, 1400 foot climb back up.

Cardiac to finish. NAILED IT! 36 minutes for 3.8 miles. 

When Rose finished, her friend opened champagne and we had a nice toast. 

Things I did well:
Kept moving forward even in bad patches like after wasp sting
Thanked volunteers
Took S-Cap every hour
Ate cantaloupe - so good

Things to improve on:
Wished I'd run on Matt Davis more recently.

Should have carpooled with Rose. 

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